The book of enoch


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Welcome to The book of enoch app Are you looking for The book of enoch ? Are you looking for The book of enoch quotes ? Are you looking for The book of enoch audio book ? Are you looking for information about The book of enoch ? Are you looking for The book of enoch mp3 ? Are you looking for The book of enoch pdf ? All of these can find it on The book of enoch app The Book Of Enoch, an ancient Hebrew apocalyptic religious text, is one of the most important non-canonical apocryphal works, and probably had a huge influence on early Christian, particularly Gnostic, beliefs. Ascribed by tradition to Enoch (the great-grandfather of Noah), the texts are dated to around 300-200 BC. Filled with hallucinatory visions of heaven and hell, Enoch introduced concepts such as the appearance of a Messiah, Resurrection, a Final Judgement, and a Heavenly Kingdom on Earth. The text also describes the fall of the Watchers - angels who fathered the angel-human hybrids known as the Nephilim. Interspersed with this material are quasi-scientific digressions on calendrical systems, geography, cosmology, astronomy, and meteorology. The book of enoch app features : - application content updated online . - small app size , does not take much up space. - Easy to use, Slide to see other collections! - Compatible with 99% of mobile phones and devices. - Contains The book of enoch pdf, audio book and quotes. The book of enoch app contents : - The book of enoch pdf - The book of enoch quotes - The book of enoch audio book - The book of enoch author